Sunday, September 13, 2009

Quad City Symphony Pops Concert

This week's post is is about a weekend adventure to the Quad City Symphony -Frank Sinatra
River Fest Event. I woke Friday morning and realized that I had no big weekend plan but after
talking to my sister I decided to head to Bettendorf Iowa and do a sister weekend.
We ended up on the Mississppi River with 5000 other people -- took our wine, shrimp cocktail, hummus, tomato-mozzerella-basil salad and set up a table in a beautiful expansive lawn in front of a bandshell.
The tradition for this event is setting up a small table ,packing a picnic lunch to suit your fancy and decorating the table with flowers, candles or anything that sets the mood of the evening and inviting your friends and making an evening listening to the symphony kick off their new season. The mood was set by featuring a well know Las Vegas performer that sounds exactly like Frank Sinatra. Great end to the summer sitting by the Great Mississippi River enjoying friends, food, music, and the summer air that we all know will soon end.

Check our Steve Lippia , the entertainer of the night at